Sunday, April 19, 2009

The effects of the holocaust and World War II are not completely gone… yet

An article titled Tattoos from Auschwitz Horror Reunite Lost Inmates tells the story of four men who suffered through the holocaust, never knowing or talking to each other, reunited. Not only were these men together at Auschwitz, but they were together in line, with consecutive serial number tattoos. These men, once treated as sub-human, have become men, not serial numbers, to hundreds of thousands of people who are now going to hear their story. Holocaust deniers can say what they want, but these men are no longer B-14594, B-14595, B-14596, and B-14597. These men are Menachem Sholowicz, Anshel Sieradzki Shaul Zawadzki, and Yaakov Zawadzki. People said “never again,” we need to say not now? Genocide is a war that needs to be fought. These men are around the age of 80 now, and they are not the only living survivors, but soon there will be no one left. There will be no more survivors to prove the effects of the holocaust, and there will be not survivors left to tell their story. This genocide could become a thing of the past, a history lesson that we read about in our text books, a thing thought about that seems almost unrealistic. Unfortunately, genocide is not going to be a thing of the past. There are still people dying from genocide, from war, in Darfur. This cycle of war and killing needs to stop before the world can know peace. We will not be silent. It is within our control to stop genocide. These men are real examples of what war can do to people, and it needs to end here.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace” –Jimi Hendrix

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